Interview Laurence Kourcia

Your work is presented in several chapters in different places. I believe that the first « chapter » is on the Sephardic Jewish community in Paris and its suburbs. Was it a GEO assignment or a personal…

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Categories: INTERVIEW

Interview Andrea Eichenberger

How did the idea of « Translitorânea » come about and why did you choose this title for your project? « Translitorânea » is the little-known and little-used name of the BR-101, a road that runs along the Brazilian…

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Categories: INTERVIEW

Interview Baptiste de Ville d’Avray

In 2009 you started a long work on the transformation of the Moroccan landscape. This work consists of several routes. These series nevertheless have one point in common, the development of tourism in Morocco. They…

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Categories: INTERVIEW

Interview Jennifer Garza-Cuen

What is the starting point of this series? When did you decide to work on this topic and why? I spent years as an expatriate. In many ways, I became an adult abroad and that…

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Categories: INTERVIEW