Interview Géraldine Lay

Let’s talk about the genesis of this « North End » project. You were the 2015 winner of the « hors les murs » program with the French Institute? I started the « North End » series thanks to the carte…

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Categories: INTERVIEW

Interview Graciela Magnoni

You are very familiar with India and Punjab. Could you let us know about your current relationship with this part of India? Yes, I’m very familiar with Delhi and Punjab. My husband is a Sikh…

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Categories: INTERVIEW

Interview Shin Noguchi

What is « Street Photography » for you? Street photography always projects the “truth”. The “truth” that I talk about isn’t necessarily what I can see, but it also exists in society, in the street, and in…

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Categories: INTERVIEW

Interview Fadi Boukaram

What is the origin of your project and what made you want to do it? To put it briefly, there are over 45 towns in the United States called Lebanon, and I drove around in…

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Categories: INTERVIEW