Interview Mimi Plumb

Tell me how did this project start? I left for the city at 17, in 1971, when the two-lane road to San Francisco became four lanes. I looked back in my late teens and early…

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Categories: INTERVIEW

Interview Snezhana Von Budingen

Can you describe the series about Sophie? I got to know Sofie, 18 years old girl with Down syndrome, in the autumn of 2017. She’s just finished school and spent almost every day on the family…

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Categories: INTERVIEW

Interview Louise Honée

Can you tell me briefly what your series is about and how it all started? The photos from America mark a personal project in which I investigate the identity of youth in industrial areas. In…

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Categories: INTERVIEW

Interview Judith Black

Can you tell us about your series Pleasant Street? Why did you decide to photograph your family members? What did it get you at the time? Was it also to mark a period that seemed…

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Categories: INTERVIEW