Interview Patrick Wack

Can you explain your series about the Xinjiang region? Out West is a travel-driven documentary project about the far-western Chinese province of Xinjiang, which until recently was a territory of cultural, religious, and visual otherness…

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Categories: INTERVIEW

Interview Phyllis B. Dooney

Can you explain your series and why did you choose this title? Gravity is Stronger Here is a series about desire: to be seen and loved. On its face, it is a documentary project featuring…

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Categories: INTERVIEW

Interview Giulio Di Sturco

What makes you start the project Ganga Ma? Right after graduating from the European Institute of Design and Visual Arts in Rome, I moved to Canada for three years. While in Toronto, a friend of…

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Categories: INTERVIEW

Interview Aleksey Myakishev

Can you explain what your project is about and what prompted you to work on the Vyatka region? I started shooting Vyatka quite a long time ago. I worked as a photojournalist for several Newspapers…

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Categories: INTERVIEW